Giving Tomorrow Magazine

Free for clients and friends. Only $59.95 a year for those who have not become clients yet! 

Featured Cover: September 2024

Mark Petersen

Senior Vice President at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC

In Mark’s very first development job he supervised students making phone calls for a university’s annual fund. To keep them motivated, Mark had to help them understand, “Why does this matter?” Today, 30 years later, Mark is still working in development for higher ed. And his answer to that question is still the same.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Office Drama & Negativity”
  • How to Make Sure Your Emails Get Flagged as Junk
  • Perspective Power
  • Mission-Driven Marketing
  • Recruiting Women to Your Board
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: August 2024

Steve Clark

Assistant Vice President for Gift Planning, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

Steve came to planned giving from practicing law, so he’s comfortable with technicalities and details. He’s also aware of the downside of details and has learned to balance them with people skills.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “We’ve Got (Community) Spirit!”
  • A Solid Foundation for Your Non-Cash Giving Program
  • Digital Marketing to Seniors
  • Q&A With Leadership Communication Coach Laura Sicola, PhD
  • Three Important Actions to Get Your Board to Fundraise
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: July 2024

Shari Hunter

Founder and CEO. Two & Company, Chagrin Falls, Ohio

With Shari’s background in business, she knew that on paper the chances of her nonprofit model surviving were slim. But her soul told her something different. She knew it would work. It had to.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Fundraising Myths”
  • Do’s and Don’ts for More Effective Storytelling
  • The Authentic Ask Lies Within
  • Everyone Loves Postcards
  • A Verbal Promise, But Nothing in Writing
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: June 2024

Elizabeth Racheva

Chief Advancement Officer for The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.

Performing as a vocalist with orchestras and operas taught Elizabeth to be comfortable in the spotlight. These days she is quick to shine the spotlight on others – colleagues, donors, and the artists whose work is on display at Phillips. Whether as performer or fundraiser, for Elizabeth it’s never been about getting attention; it’s about helping her audience be transformed.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Trust & Loyalty”
  • Smile and Dial
  • Sales vs. Marketing
  • No More Asking Board Members to Swap Gifts with Friends – Please!
  • Stop Using These Words
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: May 2024

Mark Mills

Associate Director of Advancement, Office of Under Secretary for Education, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Some families vacation at the beach. Some go to amusement parks. Mark’s family went to museums. Perhaps he was destined for the Smithsonian.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “All Good Gifts”
  • 5 Mindsets of a Successful Executive Director
  • An Endowment Makes a Mighty Statement
  • 3 Ways AI is Improving the Donor Experience
  • Why Your Nonprofit Should Steer Clear of AI
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: April 2024

Brent West

Executive Director of High Peaks Alliance, Farmington, Maine

In the realm of land conservation, people from different walks of life sometimes collide with opposing goals. Part of High Peaks Alliance’s mission is to bring these folks together to find a way forward. As an outdoorsman and an ecologist, Brent West is the right man for the job.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Innies and Outies”
  • The Dark Side of “Donor Centric”
  • The Gold Mine Right Under Your Nose
  • Understanding the Generational Divide
  • Are You Thinking About Emailing Your Donors? Wait.
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: March 2024

Paul "Chip" Hurd

Chief Philanthropy Officer, United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley, PA

When you live in the same community for 50 years, relationships go deep. For Chip, who was born and raised and raised his kids in the Lehigh Valley, many United Way donors are not just professional acquaintances, but personal friends.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Extra Money to Spend”
  • Ask the Expert: A donor is concerned about irrevocably assigning funds to charity.
  • Planned Giving is Not Fundraising
  • Take the Cranky Calls
  • Making the Most of Donor Advised Funds
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: February 2024

Dolores Nypaver

Director of Stewardship & Development, The Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh, PA MD

In a professional field known for high turnover rates, Dolores stands out as one of the long-timers. When she took a job with the diocese, she thought she’d stay a few years before getting restless and moving on. But it’s been 20 years, and Dolores loves her job more then ever. What keeps her motivated? The people and their stories.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Task-Oriented or People-Oriented”
  • Don’t Neglect Your Employee Bio Page
  • That’s No Way to Treat a Donor
  • Steer the Boat or Chart the Course?
  • The Powerhouse of Philanthropy
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: January 2024

Lynn Elsken Brynes

Director of Stewardship & Planned Giving, The Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, MD

Lynn never intended to go into fundraising. She studied scientific illustration, and then worked in movie and commercial production. But as she grew older, the call of a more purpose-driven career beckoned.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Looking Forward”
  • Fundraising in Crisis
  • Simple Steps to be a Master Communicator
  • Q&A with CEO and Giving Tomorrow Publisher Viken Mikaelian
  • The Ask Guessing Game
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: December 2023

Petrina Williams

Director of Planned Giving and Senior Advisor to the President, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, Washington, D.C.

Petrina started her career after law school as a lobbyist in North Carolina. When she moved into a development role, her first donor meeting taught her a valuable lesson about fundraising that has influenced every donor meeting since.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Outside the Box”
  • Technical Toolbox (Updating Your Gift Agreement Template)
  • Sell the Dream
  • Got Writer’s Block? Recycle and Old Blog
  • Stay in the Now
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: November 2023

Ryan Park

Vice President Marketing & Innovation
Upbring, Austin, TX

After a “quarter-life career crisis” Ryan left the for-profit world planning to start his own nonprofit. But a few years after joining Upbring’s marketing department, a meeting with the CEO changed everything.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Dear Future Fundraisers…”
  • Technical Toolbox (A Long Forgotten Charitable Giving Tool)
  • Are You Sending Junk Mail?
  • Why You Need to Use Video At Your Nonprofit
  • Most Nonprofits Still Don’t Get It
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: October 2023

Susan Campbell

Ronald McDonald House Charities, Philadelphia, PA

Susan hated turning families away, but the Ronald McDonald House in Philadelphia had reached capacity. So Susan determined to make it bigger.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Ways to Give”
  • Ask the Expert! (How do you bring up the topic of non-cash giving with a donor?)
  • How to Soften the Death Undertones of Planned Giving Marketing
  • 5 Software Tricks to Help You Raise More Major Gifts
  • The Benefits of an Online Will Planner
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: September 2023

Tania R. Yount

Chief Development Officer 
Barnabas Center, Inc. , Fernandina Beach, FL

Tania had been eyeing some new playground equipment for the childcare center she directed. So she applied for a grant and won it. And that was it – she caught the fundraising bug and never looked back. 

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “What are You Reading?”
  • Ask the Expert! (Why can’t we use stretch IRAs anymore?)
  • How to Get More Money For Your Planned Giving Budget
  • How to Report Numbers Without Boring Your Readers
  • Recruiting Board Members: Who, What, How, When & Why?
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: June 2022

Stuart Sullivan

Chief Development Officer
Shriners Hospitals for Children

Many people who work as consultants start out in some career field and then, after acquiring years of experience, move into consulting others in that same career field. That’s what Stuart did. But then he did something most people don’t do. He left consulting and went back to leading a fundraising program.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Keeping It Fresh”
  • Ask the Expert! (Legacy Seeds)
  • More Than One Kind of Smart
  • Donor Recognition: Does it Work?
  • Why Jews Give
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: May 2023

Pazit Levitan

Director of Development
American Friends of Soroka Medical Center

Pazit’s doctoral research explored how women become influential leaders on nonprofit boards. As she interviewed seasoned board directors, she found solidarity and inspiration from others who were, like her, juggling it all.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Better Late Than Never”
  • Ask the Expert! (Should charities accept gifts of life insurance?)
  • Initiating the Legacy Conversation
  • Creating Chemistry
  • Keep It Simple; Sell the Sizzle
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: July 2023

Anne DeMesa

Director of Gift Planning
The Peddie School, Hightstown NJ

Anne started her career in museum education. But then a detour in social work exposed her to philanthropy and fundraising, igniting a passion she hadn’t realized was there.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Mistakes Worth Making”
  • Ask the Expert! (What ages will a donor make a non-cash gift?)
  • A Planned Giving Website is Your 24/7 Brochure
  • Planned Giving’s Low-Hanging Fruit
  • Don’t Miss Out on FOMO Marketing
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: June 2023

Kevin Jameson

Founder and Volunteer President/ Chairman
Dementia Society of America

When Kevin lost his wife to dementia, his life took an unexpected turn. He left the business world and started a nonprofit that’s growing fast.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Disgruntled Donors”
  • Ask the Expert! (Should we bring in outside help in order to accept gifts?)
  • On Emotion in Writing
  • Simple But Not Easy: Develop a Sustainability Planned Giving Program by Cultivating New Habits
  • Does Your Donor Hate You?
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: April 2023

Chelsea Brown

Director of Development
Outlier Media, Detroit, MI

Chelsea had a secure job she enjoyed. But the unsettling events of 2020 caused her to reflect, and she felt she could use her skills to do more for society and the world.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “How Many Touches Does It Take?”
  • Ask the Expert! (What to know about real estate before accepting it.)
  • Keep It Up-to-Date
  • How to Turn Monthly Givers Into Legacy Donors
  • The Sexiest Seven Words in Fundraising
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: March 2023

Wayne Lynch

Ukraine Global School Consulting Group
Kyiv Christian Academy

Forty years ago Wayne realized he loved fundraising at a time when few others did.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Technology: Relationship Builder or Destroyer?”
  • Ask the Expert! (QCD changes, important for nonprofits?)
  • Planned Giving Is Good Marketing
  • When It’s Time to Stop Asking
  • My Flight Attendant Knows More About Fundraising than Most Fundraisers.
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: Feb 2023

Jessica Gottlieb

Advancement Officer, Major Gifts
Minneapolis Heart Institution Foundation

Jessica survived a harrowing heart health experience – and then went on to work for the organization that saved her life. 

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Asking When Money is Tight”
  • Ask the Expert! (Donor testimonials a challenge with HIPPA rules)
  • Finding Your Voice
  • Three Donors, One Legacy Society
  • 3 Strategies to Connect Donors to Cherished Values
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: August 2023

Doris Parent

Chief IDEAS Officer
The Philadelphia Orchestra and Kimmel Center,Inc. , Philadelphia, PA

Doris Parent was on course to become a physician. Then she fell in love with fundraising. 

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “The Beauty of Imperfection”
  • Ask the Expert! (How to handle admin of a gift plan after donor passes away.)
  • The Second-Worst Marketing Mistake
  • A Major Philanthropic Trend And What It Means for Fundraisers
  • 4 Essential Nonprofit Marketing Tools Most Fundraisers Don’t Know About
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: Jan 2023

Kelly O’Brien & Nancy Greenwood Vehrs

Vice President of Philanthropy and Assistant Vice President for Principal Gifts
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Last fall the Fred Hutch team celebrated the biggest single gift in the hospital’s 47-year history.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Looking Forward”
  • Ask the Expert! (How can we accept non-cash gifts if we are small?)
  • Gift Influencers: Friend or Foe?
  • Tips For Creating a Basic 12-Month Marketing Plan
  • Why All Fundraising is Sales
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: Dec 2022

Hala Al-Madi

Legacy Giving Marketing Officer
Amnesty International, Ottowa, Canada

Hala was an immigrant with no connections. Then she found Amnesty – and found a job, a community, and a cause.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “That Personal Touch”
  • Ask the Expert! (When to ask for a Major and Planned Gift?)
  • Only the Rich & Famous Have Wills … or Not
  • My Favorite Fundraiser Doesn’t Work for My Favorite Charity
  • Knowledge Speaks; Wisdom Listens
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: Nov 2022

Sarah K. Nathan, PhD

Executive Director 
Middletown Community Foundation

A born-and-raised Midwesterner, Sarah has dubbed Indiana “The World Capital of Philanthropy”

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Hot Button Topics”
  • Ask the Expert! (How can we set up to receive strange but valuable gits?)
  • The F Word
  • Inside Look at the Donor-Advised Fund
  • Where are the Legacy Donors?
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: Oct 2022

James W. Murphy

Managing Program Director
Episcopal Church Foundation

Jim Murphy isn’t afraid to talk about money. That’s somewhat unusual in American culture – and highly unusual in church culture.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Join the Club”
  • Ask the Expert! (Do advisors actually help fundraisers?)
  • The Art & Science of Asking for Money
  • Small Estate, Large Legacy
  • Three Time Management Lessons from Mr. Brown
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: Sept 2022

Dale Keshishian

HealthWorks Academies

Dale never planned nor wanted to start a nonprofit. She expected to find an established organization addressing the problem – someone she could join.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Unusual Gifts”
  • Ask the Expert! (New Rates American Council on Gift Annuities)
  • Stories: A Multi-Purpose Tool
  • Seven Tips to Supercharge Your Donor Interviews
  • Three Key Details to Know About Your Prospects
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: Aug 2022

Troy Nuss

Director of Development
Ronald McDonald House of Delaware

Troy recounts the time, at a previous job, that a $10 million dollar gift fell into his lap.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Keeping It Fresh”
  • Ask the Expert! (Charitable Rollover Gift)
  • Focusing on The Why
  • One Donor: Six Lessons Learned
  • Keep Your Donors by Answering These Unspoken Questions
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: July 2022

Phil Bloyd

Development Director
Sons of the American Revolution Foundation

Phil grew up in Louisville–home of baseball bats and thoroughbred horse racing–and dreamed as a child of becoming a jockey. Instead, he says, “fundraising found me.” Through his work with the Sons of the American Revolution, Phil has met some fascinating people and learned some surprising things about his own ancestors.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Keeping It Fresh”
  • Ask the Expert! (A New Printing Company?)
  • The Most Important Element of Fundraising
  • Finally Heard
  • 5 A/B Tests to Try on Your Donation Page
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: May 2022

Michelle Staes

Senior Manager Planned Giving
Southern Poverty Law Center

Michelle was an environmental attorney with the EPA – until she attended a Christmas party that redirected her into planned giving, and ultimately to her dream job fighting for civil rights.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Big Gifts”
  • Ask the Expert! (5 Simple Tips to Improve Your Writing Immediately)
  • Have You Calculated Your COI?
  • The Hybrid Office
  • The Board’s Role in Planned Giving
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: April 2022

James Salley

President and CEO
Africa University

When James wanted to start a philanthropically-funded university on the other side of the world, everyone said it couldn’t be done. He did it anyway.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “On Stage”
  • Ask the Expert! (DAF’s more types than before…)
  • Low Newsletter Response Rate?
  • A Marriage Between Major and Planned Gifts
  • Women and Wealth
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: March 2022

John Lechman

Vice President, Philanthropy
Hospice of Northwest Ohio

The tragedies pf 9/11 caused John to seek a more meaningful career. He didn’t have to look far for inspiration.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Philanthropic Culture”
  • Ask the Expert! (Convert Commercial Anuity into a CGA)
  • Giving vs. Investing
  • A Covid Success Story And Its Six Key Takeaways
  • The Answer to How is Yes
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: Feb 2022

Margi Kirst

Chief Revenue Officer
Operation Homefront

Margi left a demanding career in international finance marketing thinking she would find a better work-life balance woking for a charity. She soon discovered that nonprofit work was equally, if not more, demanding than her previous jobs – but exponentially rewarding.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Where Did All the Donors Go?”
  • Ask the Expert! (Gifts of Real Estate Worth it?)
  • 5 Marketing Fundamentals
  • Who’s Your Tom Bond?
  • How to Get Donors to Ask You
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: Jan 2022

Ken Meifert

Vice President, Sponsorship and Development
National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum

How a nice midwestern kid working at a department store ended up sharing the stage with Jeff Foxworthy at a Baseball Hall of Fame reception.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Ways to Say Thank You”
  • Ask the Expert! (Merge with another Organization)
  • Shred Immediately
  • Do You Have a Social Media Disaster Plan for 2022?
  • #1 Issue All My Coaching Clients Have
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: Dec 2021

Stephen Fry

Special Gifts Officer
Geneva College

For Stephen, the blending of planned and major giving has been a natural and exciting transition, creating opportunities for his own career development and for building the endowment for the places he works.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Feel-Good Giving”
  • Ask the Expert! (Change Your Life in Six Months)
  • Steps to Creating a Better Culture for Your Nonprofit
  • How to Talk to Wealthy People
  • Redefining Planned Giving
  • Call to Action
  • And more…


Featured Cover: Dec/Nov 2020

Sam Samuels

Director of Gift Planning of Smith College

After a short career in acting, he got another bug – the planned giving bug. Today, nearly two decades later, he’s still as hooked as he was on day one.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Volunteers: Backbone of Nonprofits”
  • Ask the Expert! (The Future of Planned Giving)
  • Seven Marketing Trends to Move Beyond
  • Covid and Planned Giving: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
  • No Boundaries
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: Nov 2021

Elizabeth Thompson

Senior Development Specialist
World Relief Durham

When the Taliban seized back control of Afghanistan and thousands scrambled to flee the country, Elizabeth and her team at World Relief were inundated with hundreds of new donors and volunteers.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Your Go-To Gifts”
  • Ask the Expert! (The One Big Thing)
  • Don’t Fear the Donor
  • How to Supercharge Major Giving Using the Language of Love
  • What it Takes to Be the CEO
  • Call to Action
  • And more…


Featured Cover: Oct 2021

Cynthia Pritchard

President and CEO
The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Foundation

Cynthia spent her young life on the stage–dancing, singing with her school chorus, and acting in plays. She imagined herself someday having a musical theater career. But there were other driving forces in her young life that sent her in a very different direction.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Workplace Stress”
  • Ask the Expert! (Is it unethical to use philanthropy for personal networking?)
  • What Your Donors Want
  • What Your Boss Doesn’t Understand About Gift Planning
  • The Asking Styles and Planned Giving: What are Your Strengths & Challenges?
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: Sept 2021

Steve Grourke

Senior Vice President
The American College of Financial Services

Steve was the one they called when other fundraisers ran into a hitch with a donor relationship. That’s how he learned that fundraisers aren’t necessarily supposed to be subject matter experts, but relationship experts.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Effective Meetings”
  • Ask the Expert! (DAF’s with passing on of the account advisor?)
  • Starting the Planned Giving Conversation
  • The Power of Donor-Centered Thank You Letters
  • Planning to Develop Your Website In-House? 11 Considerations to Ponder Before You Start
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: Aug 2021

Anne McClintock

Executive Director of Planned Giving
Harvard University

Working at Harvard for more than 30 years, Anne is a trusted expert in every ascpect of planned giving. What keeps her there? Collaborating with donors and people who aspire to make a difference in the world.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Navigating Change”
  • Ask the Expert! (Can Charitable Giving Avoid Probate?)
  • The Name Game
  • Turning Your Nonprofit Leaders Into Gift Planning Champions
  • Launching a Planned Giving Program: Where to Start?
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: July 2021

Sandra Pollack

Director of Development
Daughters of the American Revolution

Sandra is buliding on a rich 131-year tradition of philanthropy with Daughters of the American Revolution.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Joining Forces”
  • Ask the Expert! (When a donor disregards a will)
  • Get Paid What You’re Worth
  • Tips to Improve Your Online Presence
  • Negotiating Techniques for Better Fundraising 
  • Call to Action
  • And more…
Featured Cover: June 2021

Ben Madonia

Director of Gift Planning
Hamilton College

In a sector with a reputation for high turnover, Ben Madonia breaks the mold. Ben was happily engaged at Hamilton College in central New York for more than four decades until his retirement this month.

Other Articles In This Issue
  • Your Voice: “Listen Up”
  • Ask the Expert! (Real Estate to Fund a CGA?)
  • But My Prospect are Smart!
  • Misconceptions About Gift Planning
  • Nostalgia Marketing
  • Call to Action
  • And more…

Featured Cover

Ryan Park

Vice President Marketing & Innovation
Upbring, Austin, TX

After a “quarter-life career crisis” Ryan left the for-profit world planning to start his own nonprofit. But a few years after joining Upbring’s marketing department, a meeting with the CEO changed everything.

Other Articles In This Issue

  • Your Voice: “Dear Future Fundraisers…”
  • Technical Toolbox (A Long Forgotten Charitable Giving Tool)
  • Are You Sending Junk Mail?
  • Why You Need to Use Video At Your Nonprofit
  • Most Nonprofits Still Don’t Get It
  • Call to Action
  • And more…

Featured Cover

Pazit Levitan

Director of Development
American Friends of Soroka Medical Center

Pazit’s doctoral research explored how women become influential leaders on nonprofit boards. As she interviewed seasoned board directors, she found solidarity and inspiration from others who were, like her, juggling it all.

Other Articles In This Issue

  • Your Voice: “Better Late Than Never”
  • Ask the Expert! (Should charities accept gifts of life insurance?)
  • Initiating the Legacy Conversation
  • Creating Chemistry
  • Keep It Simple; Sell the Sizzle
  • Call to Action
  • And more…